What is CBD and What Illnesses Does It Help Relieve?

Cannabidiol (CBD) Uses in Southern Maryland

One of the key benefits of medical marijuana, cannabidiol in particular, is its ability to alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with many diseases and disorders. In fact, many proponents of medical marijuana, specifically CBD, hail its safety and efficacy on chronic pain in the midst of an opioid crisis.

So, what is CBD and which illnesses does it relieve? Here’s everything you need to know about this medical marijuana product.

What is CBD and How Does It Work?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a type of cannabinoid – a chemical naturally found in marijuana and hemp plants.

What’s more, cannabinoids do not produce a high that people get when using strains containing THC.

Therefore, CBD oil offers purely therapeutic effects on chemical receptors in the brain and immune system.

What Illnesses Does Cannabidiol Help Relieve?

Chronic pain and inflammation

When it comes to chronic pain and inflammation, researchers have found cannabidiol to be an excellent alternative to opioids and other habit-forming medications.

In fact, a study evaluating CBD and chronic pain demonstrated that it was effective in reducing discomfort as well as pain-induced insomnia. Plus, it was able to produce these benefits without adverse side effects.

According to the same evaluation, CBD oil may offer the greatest relief to patients suffering from multiple sclerosis.


Additionally, after four consecutive days of applying cannabidiol gel to affected joints, animal subjects displayed decreased arthritic pain and inflammation.


Lastly, there’s evidence that CBD oil can alleviate the pain of cancer treatment. More specifically, the National Cancer Institute has recognized CBD oil as a way that patients can reduce the negative and often debilitating effects of chemotherapy.

What Are the Possible Side Effects of Cannabidiol?

While many researchers have found CBD oil to be a safer alternative to opioids, it does have the potential to cause nausea, sleep disturbance, and irritability.

That being said, withdrawal symptoms from CBD are extremely rare, which is a significant advantage over prescription pain medication.


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